July 16, 2005

  • 17-07-05

    9:22 AM N.Z. time


    Wowee Zowee what a night. 100 K winds (60mph), thunder and lightning, rain fire-hosing against the windows. It felt like the night Hoyt Axton was born. But today it’s all sunshine and gentle breezes.


    Today,                  “How the strong man took over”


    At the time of our birth this “strong man” was probably not even aware of itself. But gradually, day after day, busily recording and storing into its memory systems, each moment of experiences that came its way, it soon became aware of itself. After that it didn’t take too long for it to realize, that it was living in a totally helpless, powerless and defenseless little biological life form that was completely at the mercy of its immediate environment. And in order to ensure its own survival and continued existence, it had to keep this dribbling little creature safe, and protect it from all perceived dangers.


    So when the bio computer (the human brain) became sentient, the ego was born. It immediately started building its own power structures, its own defense systems, layer upon layer, line upon line, until it became the final authority on all decisions. And it’s so busy, so loud and powerful, always thinking thinking thinking; it quickly seduced the soul into total identification with itself. The soul has now become one with the ego, and the ego has in fact, become “The Strong Man” that is the supreme ruler within its self-made, virtual time/reality cranial kingdom.  


    The two most effective weapons the strong man uses to gain and maintain control over the soul, is FEAR and PRIDE.


    Fear, fear of hunger, fear of pain, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and then the big one, fear of death.


     Pride, what will people think of me……?


    The Ego uses our four basic biological instincts, (which were originally created within every living creature to ensure survival of its species), to enslave us. I think every living creature is motivated by these four natural drives. 1. The need to eat. 2. The need to sleep. 3. The need to defend itself, and 4.The need to procreate.


    The Strong Man would have us believe that if we could only gain control of these four areas of our life we would then “have it made”. We’d be safe from 1.Hunger, 2.Fatigue, 3.Danger, 4.Sexual rejection. We would have no worries. Our food would be cooked and served by the greatest, the finest, Chefs in the world. We would live in the most palatial mansions in the world. We would have wealth beyond measure; Sleeping in penthouse apartments at the top of our own hotels. We would own our own jet airplanes whisking us from one estate to another. We would own vast areas of land, even entire countries. Nations would be ours to run and do with as we please. We would live in a world without borders, a life without boundaries. We would have our own personal body guards, and they would be backed up with our armies and all their weapons, planes, tanks, ships, satellites. No expense would be spared to ensure our personal safety. And when it comes to procreation, we would have sexual partners standing in line, waiting to fulfill our slightest wish.  The goal of the strong man is to obtain for us total fantasy fulfillment without consequences.


    Isn’t it interesting that Satan (the supreme ego) made this same offer to Jesus, if only Jesus would bow down and worship him.


    But even if we did gain all that “the supreme ego” could offer us, we would still know death was there at the end of the road, waiting to strip it all away from us.


    All the pleasures this world has to offer, even though they are quite intoxicating, are very short lived, and then the dreaded curse, BOREDOM sets in. So we become enslaved to experiencing even greater thrills. We’re consumed with an insatiable lust for anything that will distract us from the reality of our helplessness. Anything, anything at all, if excruciating pleasure no longer works for us, well maybe excruciating pain will work.


    So the ego perverts our natural instincts and uses them like a carrot to dangle out in front of us, keeping us forever in the rat race and no matter how much we acquire, no matter how rich and famous, how powerful we become, we find we are still empty inside. And we equate that emptiness with boredom, so we keep trying different scenarios, different people, different places, different toys, but no matter where we go, no matter who we’re with or what we’re doing, eventually, we wind up in the same place, empty, bored and unfulfilled and helpless to change anything. Or so it seems.


    Next comes the good news


    Ill be back………… (maybe)

    B Mc G